Tuesday, July 28, 2020

You can't control every situation and outcome but you can control how to deal with what you learnt

The system behind the scenes.

If you go against the law of Cause and Effect --the Law of All Laws will overrule the Rule of Law.

Whistle blowers, rape victims, human rights, SRLs who come forward often get taken in by the promise of fair and equal access to justice. But make no mistake, the Cosmic forces are always prevalent. "They' may let you 'do the dance’—but there has likely already been a predetermined outcome from the start. 

Like the foxes guarding the hen house.

Take the Law Society (please) who play double duty in encouraging the public to come forward with their complaints, and then failing resolution (or even any investigation), you’ll find that same firm (as insurer for the Law Society) will be the firm defending that Member against your complaint in court. Can you see the conflict here?

See Related post on Regulating Civility of Lawyers

Cause I spoke out in a truthful, respectful and factual account in this blog, the extreme Cost of Freedom of Speech (the Effect) came a decade later after my last posting. I do know what the Members of the Society are capable of, and still I am prepared to speak out.

There’s a whole system at play within our government that most people aren't even aware of. This "Group-think" where each branch of government is cut from the same cloth, is already a big problem and it's a danger to our democracy.

The only way to get reform is by exposing the injustices. 

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