On May 7 2020 my brother signed on as Power of Attorney. Judge had determined bipolar as mentally incompetent despite a position in violation of the Constitution. I had lived and worked successfully with bipolar for 3 decades. Also after consultation with my lawyer, we had agreed to accept an offer of settlement from my Ex November 2019 (prior to the judge's Jan 24 2020 Order). The courts had its own agenda, and clearly not in my best interests.
The first priority for the newly retained lawyer through my POA, was for me to get my voice back in divorce. A Motion was set for June 3 2020 to remove the Appointment (signed without notice to me or following Rule of Law 4+ violations) pointed to the fact that this breach was to oppress not assist.
It was not until June 3 (by teleconference due to COVID) that my POA discovered that our lawyer (unbeknownst to us) had been working on a new strategy with the Province. On June 3 2020 at 10:00 am the Judge pushed through the Province’s settlement (QB Registry allowed on June 1st a 2nd Motion for June 3rd Hearing that had the effect of replacing our Motion).
I found 2-3 weeks is norm to get anything signed, so for the Province to push through a Motion in ONE day -- for Judge to cover 3 years of pleadings and evidence, and waive the requirement of ONE week service of documents to the parties prior to day of Motion, does not happen nor is it reasonable.
As the intent for the Province to 'assist me' to protect my best interests, would the Province not be required to provide an actual breakdown as to what evidence was used? There was no agreement provided or filed. And more incredibly, no accounting (Comparative Family Property Statement) which is required by law in every divorce. So how is it “best interests” falls so far off the mark and significantly less than what we (the parties) had agreed to back in November 2019. And why did the Judge feel it was his position to assist my Ex -- "'the proof is in the pudding' or as in future postings.
What was thrown together (only Motion, Bill of Costs and Affidavit) contradicts several regulated laws, nor reflects evidence on record (from 3 years), even fabricating claims (pure conjecture beyond belief) that include assets in excess of $500,000 was gifted from his dead mother -- quite surprising, given the woman's not dead yet. And in the end, the Province made no mention of my having a disability or of being mentally incompetent. The ease of which this miscarriage of justice was carried out begs to be made public.