This -- whatever this is -- started off as really just something that could have been cleared up at no cost or cause for any embarrassment to government. But you know what happens when lawyers get involved, "Why go for a quickie resolution when you can be Thompson Dorfman Sweatman, creator of a Seinfeld case where top level execs make a lot of money protracting a complaint based on a defence of nothing, now held over for its 8th season.” See posting: Law at Lunch -- More Cowbell
Don't ever question the value of unpaid work by a Whistleblower.
Noah's Ark was built by a volunteer -- the Titanic was built by professionals.

In their teen years it became even more important to check out how my sons' own personal mission statements were developing in place of the family one. Talk is cheap, and often has little impact, which is why I made the decision to use my experience of taking each step of the complaint process as an opportunity to teach. For the plethora of lessons that were derived from my experiences, I guess I should say -- thanks...?
Secondary Education Lessons such as:
- the importance of protecting your name
- the importance of protecting your reputation (how people see you)
- the importance of protecting your character (how you see yourself)
- the importance of sound work ethics
- it’s easier to remember ONE truth than MANY lies
- if suspect someone is cheating -- call out 'bullshit' to see their hand
- feelings of anger are OK, re-acting in anger is NOT
- 100% compliance with work computer usage i.e., no texting, surfing, Facebooking
- information by phone must always be followed up in writing, and
- document everything, don't leave important details to memory.
The Government Bipolar Dance
Life lessons to live by -- so when government (through privately hired lawyers with our public funds) went to great lengths to fabricate an unbelievable smear campaign, I would take it to the next level and challenge them on it to show just how unbelievable it actually was. For years, the boys and I would do The Government Bipolar Dance, celebrating when we thought we were "UP," and then get crushed with the toll of the "LOW".
Re-defining 'Closure'
Wednesday, March 13, 2013, I received the most moving email from my oldest son which he sent after reading my latest posting, It's about having the courage to pursue truth wherein he wrote,
“… I take pride in the Rowan name and take pride in that we are not quitters...”
There's no greater feeling for a parent than knowing you've done something right. I now have great inner peace knowing (however this ends) that I have left my sons with what matters most and it's reassuring to see I am not alone as covered in a USA article: "Parents Say Money Isn't the Most Valuable Inheritance".
To my family (and friends from too many years gone by) I apologize that I have been so distant for so long – to the point of being a hermit. I ask for your understanding. The challenge I had undertaken is tantamount to someone today accepting the mission to build The Great Ark: Some things are best kept under wraps while still in development -- if you know what I mean.
As Edgar Schmidt (lawyer who spoke out against Canada putting through laws that violate the Constitution) stated in an interview on CBC Radio: It took a trip to Egypt for him to truly realize "how fragile democracy is and how much it needs care and tending." As I put it in my earlier posting, it’s about The State of the Canadian Constitution eh?
News flash: Youth at Risk!
7 Deadliest Words as a community and a parent, we don't want to rely on:
I'm the government--I'm here to help.
Definition of Insane is doing the same thing, over and over again, and expecting different results. In my opinion, adding another Bill (like Bill 18) -- to our other 'rights-only-on- paper' benched Constitution and Charter Rights, is just another case of our upscale legal community's way of making a lot of money without any expectation of getting any results.
But what can you ONE person do?
- feedback is needed from people that have found themselves in a similar situation
- provide resources from that combined knowledge: what's working and what's not
- form relationships within our community to include professionals ie., mental health, legal, community, and government (free and/or inexpensive)
- get a real movement going for real change; and
- bring out the 'inner child' in all of us when we never would have considered taking 'no' for an answer or look away from a friend being bullied.
"MAKE SOME NOISE" cause I'm pretty sure we can do better.
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