Sunday, August 2, 2020

Ignoring Rule of Law: Clearly Not to Code

Judging the Manitoba Federal Court Judges

The Code of Judicial Conduct requires 100% compliance with Rule of Law. Every person (Self-Rep Litigant or party's lawyer) is guaranteed the right to be heard, and the right to have decisions made in accordance with Rule of Law– to Code.

A judge cannot act in bad faith, nor can a judge go against a party based on discrimination (violation of Constitutional rights), personal interests (even if a Member or Co-Member happens to be CJ and BFF with one of the parties).

It is in the public interest to be aware, judges remain (certainly in Manitoba) a paying Member of  Law Society. The Members manage, investigate, and theoretically pay out from their own insurance plan, defending its Members in court, in front of a Member - a judge.  How is that not a conflict of interest? 

From the onset of filing with Court of QB Winnipeg Division, I believe my divorce proceeded in a manner that departed completely from the usual procedure of Rule of Law as required by Provincial Family Law (Property) and absolutely contrary to Federal Law (spousal) -- no due process, no applying Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines. and in the end, no record as to the Legal Authorities being relied on to strike out the 4-day Spousal Trial by a judge whose jurisdiction was only to determine property assets - generally a trial by paper.

NOTE: As the Reference Order to determine the property assets (from Dec 2018 Case Conference), had yet to be complied with by my Ex, Rule of Law would support that not only was the Property Trial Judge not up at 'bat' he wasn't even the batters box -was not entered in QB Registry. Yet another 'foul' of Rule of Law.

Actually, so many Rule of Law violations that without an actual review and investigation of the evidence I have, it is not worth posting at this time because it would simply be beyond belief. I've been getting feedback from various judges and law enforcement officers from other provinces, and the response has always been one of disbelief, as I was told, this could never have happened -- but I am saying it did and clearly not to Code. 

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